Fencing Services

Fencing Repair – How to Keep Your Fence Looking Good and Functioning Properly

While serious damage to a fence typically requires professional repairs, some minor issues can be addressed with a little time and effort. Regular inspections and prompt repairs at Pro Angle Fencing Summerville will help keep your fence looking its best and functioning properly.Fencing Repair

Sagging fences often result from weathered rail ends or loose fasteners. Proping up sagging sections can be done by wedging a brace between posts.

When fence posts become damaged, it is important to evaluate whether a quick fix can solve the problem or whether the post needs to be removed and replaced. Damaged fence posts can be a result of severe weather conditions that erode soil from around the post, insects that eat away at wood fibers over time, lack of routine inspections that allow a build-up of moisture around the post or just simple wear and tear due to age that weakens the wood in the post.

Once you determine the cause of your damaged fence post, it is best to decide whether or not to file a claim against homeowner’s insurance. Depending on the severity of the damage, your homeowner’s insurance may not cover the repair or you may choose to pay out of pocket and get the work done as soon as possible so that it doesn’t deteriorate further and cause additional issues.

It’s also worth considering the cost of replacing a fence post versus repairing it. Unless the damage is extensive, most experts recommend trying to repair the post before moving on to a full replacement. This is because replacing a post can be expensive and it will take longer than simply fixing the existing one.

The first step to repairing your damaged fence post is to remove any obstacles that could hinder you from getting to the area of the damaged fence. For example, lawn furniture, children’s toys, statues and barbecue grills should be moved to provide you with easier access to the affected area. This will help ensure that you can complete the repairs efficiently and effectively.

When repairing a damaged fence post, it is best to try and save the existing concrete base of the post if possible. To do this, you will need to use a heavy-duty sledgehammer or angle grinder with a masonry blade attachment, as well as safety equipment such as gloves and goggles. Tap around the concrete base to loosen it up, then use the grinding tool to cut away the remainder of the concrete until it is completely removed.

Rotted Sections

Wood fences are susceptible to water damages that can cause rotting sections. If left untreated, these damages can spread throughout the entire fence and compromise its structural integrity. To avoid rot, make sure that your fence is made of a rot-resistant material such as pressure-treated lumber, cedar, or redwood. It is also helpful to stain the fence every two or three years, as this can prevent long-term moisture damage.

Luckily, rotted sections can be easily repaired. You can replace the rotten pickets with new ones of the same size or find wood preservatives to saturate the damaged section of your fence with. In order to make sure that the new section is not in contact with the ground, nail a 2 x 4 piece of wood on the bottom of the fence post to create a cleat and ensure that there is a one-inch gap between the ground and the fence.

It is also important to regularly check for signs of rot, including fungi growth and pest infestations. If you notice any of these issues, it is best to treat the area as soon as possible before the problem worsens. Regular maintenance such as pressure washing the fence to remove dirt, moss, mildew, and graying will help keep your fence looking good. Additionally, staining your fence is a great way to protect it from long-term water damages by sealing the pores in the wood. This is especially beneficial if you live in an environment that experiences high rainfall and humidity.

Broken or Loose Hardware

When parts of a fence are broken or loose, it’s important to repair them right away. This prevents further damage and keeps the fence structurally sound. If left unchecked, a loose board or broken piece could easily fall and hurt someone. A few minutes of regular maintenance can prevent these problems from escalating.

Fence posts can become loose or damaged in a variety of ways, including soil erosion, improper installation and impacts. If a post is loose, it needs to be re-set by digging around the base, stabilizing with concrete and ensuring proper alignment. Severely damaged posts may need to be replaced entirely.

The chain link fabric that stretches across the top of your fence can also be affected by damage or wear. This is easy to repair, as the pieces of woven wire are hooked together and can be removed or twisted apart by using lineman’s pliers. Measure a replacement section of fence fabric by straightening a hook on one end and untwisting the other end to get an idea of its size. Cut the replacement section a bit longer than you need, then hang it up in your fence by looping the hooked end of a new piece of wire over the top rail and hooking the other side to the existing fabric.

Bent or broken pickets can be a common issue with wrought iron fences. They can be repaired by carefully straightening them with specialized equipment or, for a quicker repair, using epoxy repair putty. The putty is mixed with a hardener, applied to the joint and then clamped with a C-clamp. The resulting repair is strong enough to support fencing panels, but it isn’t as permanent as a weld.

Rust is an iron fence’s biggest enemy, and signs of rust include breaks or pits in the metal, stains and plants or dirt leaning against it. If left unchecked, rust can progress to corrosion and require more extensive repairs. To prevent this, regularly inspect your wrought iron fence and treat rust spots with a rust-fighting product as soon as you notice them.

Cracks or Holes

A well-built fence is durable, but the elements will eventually take a toll on any structure. Some damage may require professional help, but other issues, like resetting leaning posts or sanding and repainting mild rust or corrosion, can be done at home by the average handyperson.

Cracks or holes can occur in wood fences from slow weathering or impact damage, but catching these problems before they spread is important to prevent further damage to the fence. Wood fences can be repaired with wood putty or a fresh coat of paint. Metal fences, however, are more complicated to repair, as working with metal requires specialized tools that most homeowners don’t have lying around. Fortunately, the same repair methods used by pros can be applied at home, though it takes a little more work to prepare the area and create an attractive finished look.

When a crack in the wood fence appears, first wipe down the area with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris. Next, use a medium-grit piece of sandpaper to sand the surrounding area and edges of the crack or hole. This will smooth out the crack and make it easier for the putty to hold.

Filling holes in a wooden fence is as simple as using a putty knife to apply a small amount of wood filler to the crack. Masking tape works as a good temporary backing for the putty, but you can also use drywall compound if desired. After the putty has dried, sand it down and repaint as needed.

If a metal fence develops cracks or holes, the best course of action is to use anti-rust putty or epoxy. This is available at auto-body stores and will repair and seal the damaged area to prevent further damage. If the area is heavily rusted, you’ll need to clean the rusted areas with a wire brush and apply rust remover or primer. Once the rust and paint have been removed, apply the anti-rust putty and allow it to dry as instructed.

While it’s not a common problem, it is possible for vinyl fences to develop cracks or holes over time. It’s important to know how to repair these problems, as it will prolong the lifespan of your fence.